Server #2 Ideas » New Class Items
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ili: your game experience is very clear in the post.I like this and support it.but I do think that giving barbs more brute force and amazons dodging a bit too much
14-08-13 16:48
-rebel-: Interesting... I want dreamer to make this
14-08-13 15:51
-skepta-: Oops sorry I didn't read intructions properly & didn't realise this was only for s2, you can remove this post if you like
14-08-10 18:53
-skepta-: This is about the space on the left of helms, we should use it to better our classes with new items :)

Paladin - known for defensive skill as well as skills with a sword & with premium classes hitting harder than them it would only be fair to give them a great defence. The new item should be a cape, raising defence this should give them a chance to hold they're own against other classes.

Barbarian - known for being ruthless/barbaric they should be able to equip shoulder pads to raise attack & give some extra brute force. This would really help barbarians live up to their name.

Druid - known for being skilled spell casters/ rulers of all things natural it would make perfect sense to give them a spell book, greatly increasing wisdom & giving them some dex to put them back in the race. (as they are by far the weakest class)

Necromancer - this one seems pretty obvious to me. As they are rulers of the undead I think they should be given horns or perhaps wings to make them a little darker. Raising all stats a little & giving leech life a new twist, maybe they could (along with druids) start leeching MP too.

Amazon - known for both bows & their agility they should be given arrows, they need something to shoot right? So why not. As they are already stupidly powerful they don't need any more dex/strength. But perhaps they could get some endurance or wisdom from this & also a chance to dodge attacks allowing them to finally get the agility that all bowman are widely recognized for.

Assasin - known for their stealth & ability to make a quick kill they should be given hoods or masks to make them seem more... Well... Assasiny lol. Giving them the ability to always strike first even when its them that are being attacked, this could also raise endurance & stength. As they are already powerful they shouldn't need many stats.

Rather than making new classes we should be more happy if the classes we already have get a slight upgrade. Sorry that this is a long post but I didn't want to miss out on anything. Thank you for reading & feel free to add anything :)
14-08-10 17:45
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