Server #2 Ideas » allegiance bonus for clan leader
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ipecac: I propose that you have a system where you can pledge allegiance/be subservient to your clan leader. You can reduce 10% of your skill points and they help your clan leader. For example, if I am level 50, I can pledge up to 5 of my points to my leader. I can choose to devote 3 of my dex and 2 strength maybe. So those are subtracted from my stats and added to my leaders stats. You could undo it decrease your devotion, and the leader would have to be notified through private message or something.
14-08-10 21:16
nightshadows: That would be cool i would do that but whats to keep people with multiple chrs to use the others just to boost their main?
14-08-10 23:35
ipecac: It would be only s2, so the entrance cost might be enough to keep it being used that way.
14-08-10 23:37
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