Server #2 Ideas » some ideas
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korr: From my experience last s2 I think the scrolling issue was most frustrating. Followed by the helplessness in the end.I have a few ideas that might help.1.Limit the number of keys for one profile.2.Start the clan jobs early.3.Additional castles.4.Random items must really be lvl based (no more jewel of anything 1).5.Increase weapon base.6.Castle units banned from clan jobs.7.Spells and equipment for pets.I hope these suggestions help.Thank you for your time.
14-08-11 07:32
ipecac: I think death timer should be longer. I think you can buy lost items for credits. I agree with the scroll non repeats up to 15.
14-08-11 05:32
wardener: there's also the issue of
ITEM LOSS AGAINST MOBS: please implement recall of equipment from mobs via credits.
14-08-11 04:10
wardener: first of all
DEATH TIMER: reduce it to 30 seconds. faster respawn means faster level up.
PVP: experience gained when pvp means faster levels.
MS DROPS: no matter how fast you level, if your gears are not getting better, it's useless.
SCROLLING HISTORY: increase scrolling history. more scrolls are wasted because scrolling history is just only 15 titles then reset.
14-08-11 04:08
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