Server #2 Ideas » Tempo's Idea's™
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raditz: Like the new titles idea but let's not ad more crap to magic scrolls to search through for titles. Maybe have entirely different way of obtaining those titles.

Like the new level 100 set idea for all classes also. Give players more reason to try hard on s2

Other ideas not really bothered about them either way
14-08-12 00:59
soldier_od: Not bad.. -rofl- very bad.. No comment..
14-08-12 00:49
death_tempo: Now for my 4th idea:
-Enable lottery tokens, BUT, decrease the rate at which tokens/ rank 10 monsters spawn, maybe around a 1% chance.
14-08-12 00:37
death_tempo: By the way, these ideas are just comin from the top of my head ;) just tell me if you dislike them and give me your reason, that will very much appreciated :)
14-08-12 00:34
death_tempo: My third idea:
-Prepare secret lvl 100 class gears for the #1 players of each class, and a special set for the diablos that none can beat, kind of a drag to be wearing what everyone else is wearing don'tcha think lol.
14-08-12 00:33
death_tempo: For my next idea:
- Make an increase in the number of wins required to obtain free Frenzy Mode/ Energy Mode. This will probably make things tougher for most players that are too lazy to hunt, that's s2 for ya.
14-08-12 00:31
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