chops: Drops a fudge bar on the guy below me. Plop!!! lma0 get outa here!
10-07-05 16:38
chops: my fellow Druid. we are weaker of the classes. my azz is been kicked so much its cracked down the middle. we nead to get dreamer to power us sucker up! its like having a sign on our backs. KICK ME IM A DRUID. LOL WTF
10-07-05 18:55
chops: its like this! i attk Rednails. bing 9 damage rite. rednails a freaking 62 lol are you kidding me! really its like going into battle wit a feather duster. tickle tickle lmao give me a break.
10-07-05 19:12
rednails: lmao did you just call me a feather duster?
10-07-06 10:14
chops: i did not. learn to read rednails. i said its like going into battle with a feather duster. got it! if not, GET YOUR MOMMIE TO EXPLAIN IT. LOL
10-07-06 12:31