m3lla: idk if this the appropriate forum for that suggestion, but yuor comment bout cone n hal reminded me.. Grr i wanna block cone from whinin at me. I'm here to have fun n bein nagged not fun :o(
10-05-11 07:13
chops: well mella. conehead is a paper tigar. dnt nead to block em. lite a match lol.
10-05-11 08:02
chops: Halj0rdon carries around the peace sign. looks like to me the foot print of a chicken! Buk Buk Buk. lma0
10-05-11 08:08
chops: lets not forget the 3rd stooge. kashmonkey. mr pillow fighter .
10-05-11 08:12
chops: them 3 guys are like a fart in a wind storm. blow in, make a little stink and blow on down the road. lol
10-05-11 08:24
chops: mella. lets take a look at conehead. in shade, 3 times on 3 diffrent chars he has tried to sneak in a kill shot. ive chased em off. yet he whines bout getting pkd. and conehead. isnt that like a dunce cap. i think it is.
10-05-11 13:48