Ideas » Weaknesses
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teeta: Sounds like 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' to me... -rofl-

"machete: take it a step further, make so each class has a specific weakness to a diff type of class. Like, paladin beats barb, barb beats druid, druid beats necro, and necro beats paladin.
11-01-12 08:19"
11-02-01 20:57
zhypmk: i say we need element weakness would be great water good against fire ect.
11-02-01 07:57
jony: Classes won't be weak against other classes pranay. Your stat build would determine that.
11-01-13 17:46
deadlypranay: No character will have no weakness.. If character weakness comes.. All will attack by others character.. A Druid will never attack barberien.' it will be no fun to creat character weakness.. It will lack of power... Only monster weakness should be update.
11-01-13 16:57
jony: Umm. . More like, the way you build your chr determines what weaknesses you have.
11-01-13 14:13
prototype: But then paladins would be invincible because there aren't many necros.
11-01-13 00:51
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