0megalord: Because without shield amzon very weakker i wish dreamer read my posting amazon must be have a good change for a miss damge from her enemies, if druid has got 100% wisdom amazon might be have same like druid, if druid have more wiss. give amazon more special ability to dex. 60% for lvl 100 i think enough for more change miss damge n shootbonus thats my suggest, if or not amazon will be a WASTE CLASS for pay 50c. Sory
14-08-13 17:00
0megalord: I mean tht title by 0mega
im sory dremer my suggest make you more homework
14-08-13 17:04
ili: Amazons are the strongest in the game.implementing more updates on them would make the other classes meaningless
14-08-13 17:32
0megalord: Try to be until lvl 100 n equip tht a bow... Amazon lose by wisdom n weak from attack damge othr ppl because of tht bow become useless... N druid isnt premium charackter...
14-08-13 17:48
_rogue_: If Amazons were the strongest characters belial would hav demolished moonlight last s2.. but belial lost 80% of the fight even though his gears were better than moon's.. lol casting 50% slow and still missing 3 times in a row is no joke
14-08-13 18:19
0megalord: Yes right _rogue_ bad bad bad amazon, im still waitng amazon update n other char dreamer will create
14-08-13 19:21