Server #2 Ideas » party system for clan members
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-muryot-: There should be a party system for clan members..... total party should be 5 clan members.... xp should then be shared of the 5 members... also xp shared should depend of the member who killed the mob.... if the difficulty of the party member who killed the mob is newbie whatever the xp the mob will give will be shared by the 5 members... the same if the other member is in hardcore whatever xp the mob he killed will be shared by the party members....
14-08-14 20:26
-muryot-: Only same clan members can join the party system... for example oakheart party... only oakheart members could join the party
14-08-14 20:28
rails: This idea has potential. The people involved would have to agree to it so nobody is sharing against their will but I see where this could add a interesting dynamic...
14-08-14 21:27
-muryot-: up
14-08-15 03:41
wardener: i like this idea. dreamer please approve of this. it's an idea that has been long suggested and i think it deserves a chance.
14-08-15 04:52
-muryot-: this will be great system for the game so plz dreamer consider this
14-08-15 07:34
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