Server #2 Ideas » New Super Magic Scroll
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a_rief_h: Please update Super Magic Scroll

Super magic scroll
price 50 Credits
Get any low title you want for your item
Example : Golem, harpy, vampire, gnoll, naga, medusa, etc

Super magic scroll
Price 100 Credits
Get any good title you want for your item
Example : Hell hydra's, lord's of thunder, hell baron's, the ultimate, gods' ghost behemoth's, blood dragon's., Etc

Super magic scroll
Price 200 Credits
Get any super mobs title you want for your item
Example : Fire dragon's, undead hydra's, demon king's' hell ghoul's, Etc

Super magic scroll
Price 300 Credits
Get any class title you want for your item
Example : Druid's .... (V), barbarian.... (V), paladin..... (V), necromancer..... (V), amazon..... (V), assasink..... (V), Etc

Super magic scroll
Price 500 Credits
Get any dragon title you want for your item
Example : Black dragon's, rust dragon's, azura dragon's, faery dragon, Etc
14-08-15 10:09
-avenged-: stat poin title undead hydra 2x title chaos hydra.
14-08-15 11:26
a_rief_h: Please update Super Magic Scroll

Super magic scroll
price 50 Credits
Get any low title you want for your item
Example : Golem, harpy, vampire, gnoll, naga, medusa, etc

Super magic scroll
Price 100 Credits
Get any good title you want for your item
Example : Hell hydra's, lord's of thunder, hell
baron's, the ultimate, gods' ghost behemoth's, blood
dragon's., Etc

Super magic scroll
Price 200 Credits
Get any super mobs title you want for your item
Example : Fire dragon's, undead hydra's, demon
king's' hell ghoul's, Etc

Super magic scroll
Price 300 Credits
Get any class title you want for your item
Example : Druid's .... (V), barbarian.... (V), paladin..... (V),
necromancer..... (V), amazon..... (V), assasink..... (V), Etc
14-08-16 05:41
fireboy: Great idea! I just WASTED 300c trying to get Master genie's Mysterious token but the titles just repeat over & over again, please put this idea in!
14-08-16 15:36
a_rief_h: up
14-08-17 03:12
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