-jok3r-: Like swtdrmz said on page 2 of this update, swtdrmzz:

{waits for haters to start complaining}
14-08-18 23:51
Page: 2/9. I guess she knew the outcome lol
14-08-21 12:52
euphi3: Very nice

good idea
14-08-21 12:59
rass: List of player who dont like u is too much but none of them response to this topics.
Mostly response r positive but all came from ur friends and clanies
what asmo post here is make sense
14-08-21 13:03
-jok3r-: lol yeah right make this your drama forum.
14-08-21 13:05
-goofy-: only lazy player wont want this ideas to be implemented
14-08-21 13:06