-jok3r-: yup if gear unequipped then upgrade stats should be deactivated. Only the user that hunted it should be able to use the upgrade. Although it will mean u can t sell that item with upgraded stats so I guess use your levels wisely lol
14-08-21 16:59
_uki_: Can someone re-post this base idea? I can't found the base idea. I Only see ppl argueing
14-08-21 17:12
-jok3r-: -moonlight-: Description: 1 level upgrade to any one wearing item for every 10000 unit kills. For example: Mourneblade (Level 1). 1 level on weapon will give 5 dam, dex and str. 1 level on shield will give 5 armor,str and dex 1 level on helm will give 5 armor,5end and 5 str 1 level on armor will give 10 armor and 5 endurance. 1 level on boots will give 5 armor,dex and endurance. 1 level on amulet= 5damage,str,wis and dex. 1 level on rings= 5str,wisdom and damage. Just like we get one stat point on every level up. We can get 1 level to upgrade anyone gear on every 10000 unit kills. This way players will have a reason to hunt something. This will also increase gear value. this update should be both for s1 and s2. So it will be like the more you hunt the more powerful u get
14-08-18 23:36
14-08-21 17:17
-asmodeus-: 1. to those who are saying that only 'lazy' and slow connection players will disagree to this idea --- my connection is faster than almost all of you who have posted thus, and my kill count is not poor either considering this is a fairly young character. so i have all the reasons to selfishly want this idea to be implemented as this will undoubtedly benefit me more than majority of the players here...but still i voice out my genuine concerns for the game in general..
2.- and as i have already stated in my first comment on this thread, that the idea is 'good' . but for this game in particular , it will be exploited by few and will topple the balance in the long run...
for once try to think from a general view point and not just about your own benefit, you will see my point . if this is implemented, the fast players will continue to get farther strong while the majority slow connection players suffer deeper into as victims of a highly misbalanced powerplay.
14-08-21 18:09
-jok3r-: Dont respond much to his posts. He is drama queen writting essays lol
14-08-21 19:49