ipecac: I think if someone wants to kill 10000 pixies to improve his weapon, he is losing out on an opportunity to gain experience. It still takes a lot of time to kill 10000 pixies.
14-08-22 00:36
ipecac: This is like weapon proficiency from D&D. I like the idea, but it should not go with the weapon if sold, in my mind it should be between that piece of gear and that user. It should remain if the weapon is unequipped and reequipped. I like asmo's comment about weapons losing their edge too, and that could be a whole other concept where you lose weapon efficiency slowly and you need to go to the blacksmith and get it maintained to get it to 100%. I think this could work if it isn't too huge a thing for dreamer to implement.
14-08-22 00:33
illusionz: Did I misread the title of this forum? Is this the new drama place? o.O
14-08-21 23:45
-jok3r-: lol moon don't use fast net you will forget your name also xD
14-08-21 22:26
-moonlight-: I came here to read the comments xD
So funny i forgot what my idea was lol
14-08-21 22:13
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