14-08-18 23:51
Page: 2/9. I guess she knew the outcome lol
14-08-21 12:52

.and again coming to the bd game p.o.v , if we realise that skillpoints is killing the game, then we should give an idea to possibly solve it, not give another game killer to make it worse. that would be like ' oh that place is nuked already, lets detonate another warhead in it' .. . . . get the idea now? no? ok, go dring red bull.
.hopefully the next incoming arguments (i am sure some are coming) are sensible ones for the benefit of the game, and not for the sake of feeding self ego. .

14-08-21 10:45

for every action there should be an equal and opposite reaction, isn't it?
14-08-21 10:19

2. if you go on using a blade on cutting and slashing, its supposed to lose its sharpness ,and would require maintenance. it certainly does not become more powerful . it makes no sense that a weapon gets more powerful where it should actually be worn off... a non living object gaining exp and getting stronger is downright illogical . .
.and looking from bd point of view - its bound to be exploited.
.and as for slow connection players benefitting - a pc user can kill 3k -4k units easily daily. where as a slow coonection mobile user would struggle to kill more than some hundreds. now sum this up to a month. do you see the the big difference? i need not say more whos benefiting.
14-08-21 10:01

It should be opposite.
There should be a chance that our equiped item can be damage, and damaged gear need maintainance otherwise it can be dertroyed. For maintainance we need to visit our nearby blacksmith.
Stronger the monster-higher the chance of getting an item damaged.
This should be implemented in s1 bcoz mighty dragon can cause lot of problem.
14-08-21 09:04