Off-topic » Modern Day Hero
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nightshadows: So true :)
14-08-20 05:27
-deja_vu-: It seems as if there are no more heroes in this modern age
Who can compare with the ones from an ancient history page.
It seems sometimes the ones who would conceivable inspire,
Are the ones from long ago who have already long expired.
\\You know the ones which I so meditatively would like to speak,
The ones who have come and gone during some historic peak.
They were brave, wise, noble, compassionate, and courteous too,
The type of people who understood the frightened child in you.
\\They faced their fears and circumstance with their head held high;
Looking at crucial conditions with humor in their eye.
Knowing their actions would result in a victory or defeat,
Yet facing the consequence with persistently planted feet.
\\It seems as if there are few heroes left in this modern age,
Who are willing to stand tall and proud, rattling the locked cage.
We need heroes who will enlighten us in the way to go,
Giving us courage to do what we must and what we know.
\\You'll never really know how deeply you've touched my life,
But I guess that's the way of heroes, to make sense out of strife.
I hope you know I wish you more than the very, very best--
For you have far surpassed my childhood belief of the hero's test.
14-08-19 10:08
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