raditz: id just love to see credits as the default option when selling things. then instead of selling a valuable item for a few gold you may accidently sell a crap item for alot of credits. it would be of no loss to you for your mistake only a wait instead of losing a legendary item for a few hundred gold.
but if a cancel option could be made that would be great also.
another idea would be a check screen. so you set the item price click and click on it and it goes to a screen and says do you want to sell volcano boots for 40 gold and you click confirm or cancel. it would stop unwanted mistakes. and if this does not stop you, you deserve to lose the item haha
14-08-26 16:41
protecter: This is a good idea. But the only time you cannot cancel an item in mp is when someone already bidded gold/credits on said item..
14-08-26 04:35
king_emperor: agree witth it
because I have experienced, that is selling my armor at a price that is wrong -_-
14-08-25 16:59
-moonlight-: agree
cancel option will be really useful
14-08-22 10:17
kolos: Sometime mistakenly we put some items without buy it now. Its mean other party hv to wait for 24 hr to buy that items. So this option is needed.
14-08-21 21:53