If you are unclear what Gear you should have for your level, the forums are a good place to find out. Preferably Forums» FAQ and Information» About the Different Classes and Gear Recommendations
This will help you in that area!
Thanks for reading, guys. If you have any game-related questions— about Barbarians or anything, click on my profile and pm me! I'll get it soon enough and I'll help you.
☆Remember not to beg in chat. It is very annoying and will attract the attention of Moderators. I can give you Gold, Items, etc. A lot of other players will, too. ☆
Thanks for reading, hope this helps!

14-08-20 08:16

14-08-20 08:11

☆If you want specific pieces/items built from pieces, you can search the marketplace, ask other players, or ask me! I usually have tons and would be happy to help!

Once you get a setup like this, you should go to Settings» Difficulty and change your difficulty to Hardcore. Here, the enemies become twice as strong, but you will be able to handle it. You will also get double the Experience so you can level up faster! Once you have changed your difficulty, fight enemies outside of Barbarian's Fort and around that area. This should get you leveling up nicely.
14-08-20 08:08

Once you hit Level 25, you get your hands on some early good gear. Here's what you should aim for:
Helm: War Bonnet
Amulet: Amulet of Strength/Dexterity V
Weapon: Barbarian King's Mace, Blood Rise, Hell Plague, etc.
Armor: The Centurion
Rings: Ring of Strength/Dexterity V
Boots: Arctic Boots/ Lava Boots/ Forest Boots
☆All items on this list (Except the Amulets/Rings) are assembled from special "

14-08-20 08:01

14-08-20 07:51

Strength~ Affects damage. For Barbarians, we have a special boosts that increases our Damage much higher than other classes when our Strength increases.
Dexterity~ Affects our chances of hitting the opponent AND dodging opponents. ☆This is the most important stat to increase as a Barbarian because without being able to hit enemies, we are nothing. You should add +Dex with almost every level up☆
Endurance~ Affects health. Not very important, as Endurance comes from gears later on. Stay away from this stat when leveling up.
14-08-20 07:48
bladsy: 1/2
1 2
1 2