stunbitz: For Example:
Armor: +150
Health: +200
Mana: +160
Stamina: +300
Strength: +20
Endurance: +10
Prot. from Earth: +40%
Class: Barbarian
Level: 50
Strength: 50
Armor: +150
Health: +160
Mana: +200
Stamina: +300
Dexterity: +20
Wisdom: +10
Prot. from Air: +40%
Class: Paladin
Level: 50
Dexterity: 50
Armor: +150
Health: +160
Mana: +200
Stamina: +300
Wisdom: +20
Dexterity: +10
Prot. from Fire: +40%
Class: Druid
Level: 50
Wisdom: 50
Armor: +150
Health: +200
Mana: +200
Stamina: +300
Wisdom: +20
Life leech: +10%
Prot. from Water: +40%
Class: Necromancer
Level: 50
Wisdom: 50
14-08-25 12:01
raditz: i like this idea alot. different mounts with different stat boosts. obviously the main mount would be to reduce stamina cost when travelling but it would be great if new lands could only be reached on certain mounts.
14-08-24 23:34
kleenor: or maybe you need to ride a dragon to go up high to where the other dragons live like the azure or the rust one..
14-08-24 08:41
kleenor: if you ride a horse you can have the ability to escape quest battles.. if you ride a giant falcon you can fly places to places.. there should also be a lets say an ocean and islands and you can only get to them by riding a large sea serpent.. and other places like tower of doom or something like that can only be reached by riding a dragon which you can also use as a giant falcon.. lets say that when you're riding a horse 2 steps require only 1 stam.. or any other creatures that are totally cool when you ride them.. not talking about a ferrari here
14-08-24 08:37
stunbitz: Add mounts like horses, big lizard, big birds, or even dragons, you can set any one of them as legendary type...
14-08-23 02:31
stunbitz: Since s2 is a competative type of game classes needs mounts,...mounts that can help classes to improve their stats like str, dex, end, wis or even basic stats like damage, armor, health, mana and most importantly the stamina. Must add another breeder for this in b.a bec the breeder of pets is too much lonely since blackdragon established.
Hope this idea will improve s2
14-08-23 02:26
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