arkanis: when drop some rare item for recipe i never know that this is rare xd make some symbol that we can know it
14-08-27 17:16
lightning: check the faq forum . recipe items are listed there
14-08-28 00:51
raditz: you could always check but im not gonna ptetend this isnt a great idea. just a little red dot or the name wrote in a different colour doesnt have to tell you what for just some advanced warning it may be valuable would be really nice
14-08-28 04:54
jayv: Make a rare symbol on legendary weapoms and make it so there are rare items and wepons you dont have to habe 500 strength for make it so people with about 20-40 strength is more realistic and besides people who dont put money in the game should have some good weapons too
14-09-14 01:19
jayv: Sorry for my mispellings its hard typing on my phone
14-09-14 01:20
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