deadlypranay: I know.. I said it first that. Its little bit complex.. But in short word.. Its like a king with his armies. By Co clans we can buy units for castle ,. It has no ranking.. It will expand a clan.. It has many advantage
11-01-13 05:50
idiot_terror: same as expanding to more than 8 members of one clan.. lol there's a lot way to make it easy than making a co clan that makes game and explanation confusing
11-01-13 08:31
idiot_terror: If co clan wont get any points and there would only one leader.. Expansion is the best way, and if you want to say that co clan leader can invite members then make a clan position which a clan leader can appoint his right hand.
11-01-13 08:36
riddic: i say just increase the number of players that can be in a clan. i think that would be the simplest solutin.
11-01-13 09:15
zhypmk: i think they should be able to ally and declare war in this game allys can buy units for eachother declaring war can also be helped by there allys
11-02-01 07:42
katrine: if dreamer plans to put this game into the list of application on facebook then he needs to improve many things in this game to gain many players who will get interested to spend sometime playing this game expect some demands on to those future new players if this game has been released on facebook
11-02-01 07:49