doubleredshadow: Idk if this is already on here but i think we should have something where two clans could merge into one for one week costing each clan leader 20 credits, and after they have merged they can not merge with another clan in 24 hours.
14-09-26 22:39
doubleredshadow: And of course both clan leaders have to agree in order to merge.
14-09-26 22:44
tersuisroberts: Hay if u see this whay don't u make two Clans merging to gethur for two weeks and the thay ar not alowd to do it intil they pay 5 credit for being the leader then thay that gay is the leader for the two weeks
14-09-26 22:46
tersuisroberts: And bothe clan leader must agree to mergs together
14-09-26 22:47
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