Ideas » mod banning proofs
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mahal_ko: thanks .. i'm looking 4ward for justice .. lol

playing in fair is really a good game ..

i know it would require you a lot of effort but then .. by thinking of having stoneproof evidence in banned players may reduced drama as what happend this last few days w/c is the main reason why chats are put as temporary closed ..
14-10-05 12:04
nrv: I like the way you think.I've been thinking how b.d would be if there was a send screenshot option in each page.would help prove abuse in pm,scams and many more issues and shut up the players who are looking for drama alone
14-10-04 20:49
raditz: you actually sound like a decent moderator. but even you must see the wrong doing that goes on. i only need to stay online an hour at times an boom some trouble kicks up and its just rotten.

also when players are accusing others of hacking accountd idstay out of it. its simply something moderators dpnt have the ability to control. dreamer is the only one that can actually do anything about it. maybe he needs to look for some highly trusted mods that are unbias. ive noticed boudica is very fast to ban first ask questions later. i know why too. its because players consistantly cause arguments and she has grown very tired of it to now she justs bans outright. i cant blame her. shes only human but mods need alot of patientce. im not sure she would be great woth any more power.

id be happy to see you with the ability to look into mods bans and have power to do things by the sounds of it anyway. i cant really comment i dont know fully
14-10-03 19:59
ipecac: I hope I am not coming off as being a jerk raditz, I do appreciate your point of view on this.
14-10-03 19:55
raditz: i dont mean to get at you. i understand how hard a job you mods have and its a shame that some just do a really poor job. i avoid chat as its just not worth the risk. ive never played another mmo like this for rotten argumenative players. most games everyone helps each other to become great. everyone is friendly appart from a very small few and blackdragon seems to be the exact opposit.

it wouldnt be so much an hour of just your day. it would simply be any time you banned someone a simple screen shot and when you have time upload it to the facebook acvount. it takes a few minutes yes but then players would not be able to argue as there is stonewall proof they deserved it.

personally i believe hour bans should have the effect needed. if the player comes back after that and trys again thrn give them another hour. if this persists upto a fay ban and at last resort message dreamer an put in place a week long ban. til dreamer has delt with it.

bans get thrown round so quickly and this is causing alot of the drama in chat.

id like a friendly game here. thats one of the main reasons players stay at games. dor friends they have made. seems here the topnplayers stay to simply wind up players they dont like :/ its not a good atmosphere
14-10-03 19:53
ipecac: Many things here take a lot of time. If someone can't speak English and I have to cut and paste between a second browser running google translate, that takes time. I have to tell my kid sorry I can't help you with your homework, I am babysitting the internet right now. If someone messages me and says playerX hacked my account or stole my gear, that takes a lot of time to pm and hear both sides of the story and search through player alts and try to remember 20 names for each character and if they cheated or stole in the past or not. If I get caught up in an investigation like that I have to tell mrs ipecac, sorry I can't do this honeydo list, I have obligations in fantasyland to deal with. Sometimes moderating is light, sometimes its overwhelming.
14-10-03 19:50
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