Ideas » mod banning proofs
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ipecac: Raditz, I can appreciate your desire for fairness and justice. Moderator is voluntary though. If I am required to spend an hour a day keeping logs maybe you're right, maybe I am the wrong person. I think dreamer tries to pick people who are trustworthy and have the game's best interest as motivation. I know some have had mod badge taken when they strayed. I just don't think piling a bunch of required work for volunteers helps. I think the road you suggest will require arbitrators and black dragon courts. I don't think it needs to be that complicated. That badge weighs on me like an albatross sometimes. If it gets to where I have to justify every action I take, I will hang it up.
14-10-03 19:30
raditz: or even a simple bd page. add all mods here as admin. players could send there screen shotted proof of unfair bans straight to the page. they would obviously have to keep copies as the mods would just delete any images they dont like
14-10-03 06:07
raditz: haha sorry but it takes less than a second to take a screen shot but lets say it takes 5 mins. obviously it takes nowhere near that. right now daily there is maybe what 10bans. if 10 but lets say 50. now how many mods are there? if you are telling me between all you mods its unfair to ask you to spend 50 mins a day. and thats a shared 50mins to do your job then why are you doing the job in the first place? basicly you are not doing a job at all. ive seen people get banned for upto a week for very petty little things. mild cursing at best. and not evem directed at a member just general cursing.

it really needs sorted out. a mod says something and a player disagrees it then becomes drama. where the mod should rise above it and do there job to keep peace they dont. instead they sit winding up the player they have a problem with. sometimes on another account til the player snaps and then slap a ban on them for it.

screen shotted proof would show all the argument and there would be no arguments. if the bans had to be fair there would be less bans.

i know how dreamer wants you to act. he says warn many times even. hes not even thst bothered about mild cursing. hed rather players never had any bans if possible and asks to warn til youre blue in the face almost.

i see bans with no warning and yes you may of warned them 3 hours ago or 2 days ago but it stopped for 2 days or 3 hours. warn them again an it will stop again. dont ban them for a weekm it ruins bd for players. most good online games accept its mostly adults playing them and they do great.

there is many free image hosting sites. fb is one of them. dreamer or the mods if they want to do some work for dreamer could simply make a bd mod account on fb and share it. then you all just upload your screen shots to fb and no one will be able to call you unjust again. the proof will be there for everyone. better yet if the problem is in mail the player can screen shot it and upload it to fb taghing the bd mod account so the image will show to them.

mods ruin games. fact
14-10-03 06:02
ipecac: You can't send screenshots by personal message. I think the mods all try to be fair. The mods are players also, and if we would be required to take screenshots and keep records and be prepared to justify every ban then we wouldn't have time for much else. I don't know, maybe I will discuss it with dreamer at my next quarterly employee performance review.
14-10-01 22:18
raditz: most devices can get a screenshot application now. all androids i know of have built in one. many unfair bans here. this should be brought into effect. and if your device is really that bad that you cannot get a screen grabber application then maybe being a moderator isnt a job for you
14-09-30 01:48
ipecac: I had people get mad at me for not banning somebody based on a pm or other things I couldn't see or prove. Many that complain about moderators being heavy handed are the ones crying "ban! ban!" for chat posts also.
14-09-29 18:15
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