Ideas » Attacking Players
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mikeyneko: Somtimes im thinking this question:Why do players attack each other? Reason is they want to, but its annoying to other players.

All those players lose their health due to higher level players. So my idea is for dreamer to stop letting high level players to stop attacking low level people. Its completely unfair. So this is what i came up with:

-unicorn- Players from a range (level) can attack. To say it more clearly, Say someone is level 40, Then a level 50 comes around, Then a level 51 goes around also.
The level 50 and 40 Can attack each other than the level 51 Cause the the 50 and 40 is near a range where there will be after/before Level 40 so where im saying is that: Attackers should be able to Attack people NEAR their level.

-unicorn- Also Harcore PvP shoud be off unless Your difficulty is Expert or Hardcore. It Realy Stupid when people lose thier items.
14-10-05 02:06
raditz: the weapon/armor loss thing came from alot of the highest credit buying players like diablo coming from a game called shade.

they tried to implement this here as they knew by buying alot of credits they would have an advantage over non credit buying players and stand to cause alot of problems for players.

dreamer knowing how much these players spend decided to roll with their ideas and unfortunatly made bd even more pay to win than ever, giving them new arenas with giant ammounts of easy xp if you have the money to be in them.

worst part is the anyone attacking any level bit that was put in place to even further help the high paying player.

totally agree that gear loss is an absolute joke. if ive ever won anything ive sent them it back. you work hard for gears where rich people buy theirs then even better for them they pay to make you weaker also haha. one of the worst updates bd ever had
14-10-07 16:48
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