* Every player just can slay 1 mighty dragon.. If ppl killed 1 dragon, ppl cant attack other mighty dragon.. No for Black dragon.. All player need diablo class.
* New pets for lvl 100 all class with req: 1000 str, and 500 wisdom. This pets must more strong than Viy.. Also just can addopt in server #2. Dragon Slayer is a good name for this pet.. Maybe
* Item lost if lose battle / killed by monster must set by ring > amulet > boots > helm > shield > weapon. I think if you set random item lost, assasin player can equipped talons in shield, and non assasin weapon.
* Fix PvP in s2, pvp mode in s2 is error i can pvp more than 10x with same player. Please fix this..
* New service: Renamed item. You must make this dreamer, for renamed item title.. 1 credits is a good price.. All player need this!
Thanks for read my idea! Make s2 fair..
14-10-07 00:13
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