rebid: Buset (bubble set) potion... Whos players while used this potions, they are can't to pvp (u cant atked other players n the others cant atk u) but u can atk mobs.. The time left after used this potion is 60min.
14-10-08 13:57
rebid: some new potions to protected from element spells effect.
1. Prot. Fire spells potion
2. Prot. Water spells potion
3. Prot. Air spells potion
4. Prot. Land spells potion
14-10-09 15:45
rebid: they are added 10% of protection in 60 min..
14-10-09 15:46
h3robrin3: there should be a sheild protection potion where other players can't attack you.But the sheild potion is very hard to get and cost a fortune in the market
14-10-12 18:35
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