Ideas » Stop this pay to win!
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raditz: I fully understand the need to make money, but credits give way too much of an advantage. All free to play MMO games have a virtual credit system that can save you time but this game is just over the top.

Its a real issue on server 2 mostly. Here credit buyers can not only buy all the best things available, they can then go on to hunt you down and take equipments you have worked hard for aswell. Its bad enough they can pay to make themselves the best.

I think that players should be able to use server 1 credits on server 2. This would allow players who value hard work over buying their way to the top to stand a chance on server 2.

Basicly, the player could compete in a few server 2 competitions, for the purpose of making credits. these credits all transfer to server 1 where the player could keep saving these and rank bonus credits til they had a pool of thousands saved up and they feel they have enough to actually compete in server 2 fairly.

Now this may take a player 6 month just to earn enough credits to have even a small hope of competing. It would not however be an easy thing to achieve like simply paying to be the best. Every single MMO ive ever came across has always made a way for the hard working player achieve the same as a lazy player that buys everything.

Last blackdragon hit for 18,000+ to a player in most of the best gear available, with best runes and best jewels. The player could only manage to strike back with 3,000 damage. How would a none credit buying player even have a chance agaisnt that?

Credit advantages are all well and good, but try to make this game enjoyable and more importantly competative for all players. Even if that means 6 month hard work preperation.
14-10-08 17:36
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