Server #2 Ideas » New credit services (available with gold also)
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raditz: Ive already suggested these lots of times befor but maybe they have been overlooked.


stops dropping of items when you die

deep pockets

stops loss of gold on death

tight fit

stops loss of equiped gear on death

super grips

no loss penalty at all on death.


hide from the map, hunt in peace.

true sight

see cloaked players.

im aware that those last 2 have been posted by someone else recently so ive just used their name. but check all updates and youll see i suggested them a very long time ago. may even be elsewhere in this forum.

and the important thing, yes these will be credit options. but they will also have the options to buy them in gold. Since these are server 2 credit options id say 10k to 1cred on buying them. so if the grips cost 10 creds for 4 hours they would be 100k gold for the same time.

Just trying to keep all players able to play the game the same. even if credit buyimg still makes it alot easier.
14-10-08 17:48
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