Ideas » Paladin's new spell/skill: Sacrifice
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idiot_terror: Well, I'm just thinking for a new spell for paladin. It was a common spell of paladin called Sacrifice.
Offering some of his vital life to deal more damage.

In example:
Using Sacrifice drains 10% of your MAXHP and add 10% to your physical damage.
Percentage shouldn't be base on your wisdom instead, it's base on how many HP you have.
11-01-14 08:19
idiot_terror: It sounds a bit complicated but i think its cool. :)
Free to write any comments and also critics 8)
11-01-14 08:21
machete: its called bloodlust, a BARBARIAN spell.
11-01-14 09:31
deadlypranay: I think instead of Paladin Druid's should be added like this spell.. Like Druid's hp drains 10% percent but gives additional 10% extra damage on spell.
11-01-14 09:54
idiot_terror: machete, bloodlust add physical dmg but no offering, thus paladins offer their vital life to deal more dmg.. it was known as "Sacrifice" common skill of a paladin also known as HOLY KNIGHTS
11-01-14 16:48
prowizard: I'd agree if Barbarians got Haste as well then.
11-01-16 00:40
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