it will be very useful,java users need it too,not just android.
14-10-17 20:06
14-10-16 11:37
14-10-12 18:42
Well,all my ideas is just some small things,but here it is:
1. Clan
>make rank on the clan,like generals,leutnans,soldiers,and recruits.
>general can invite and kick members,also raising their rank up to leutnan. Clan leader can change general to a leader when the leader is busy.
>leutnan can raise the rank of the member from recruit to soldier,also kicking the recruit.
>soldier just an ordinary member :3
>recruit is a new player in the clan,they don't receive the bonus of castle and cj until they upgrade to member.
>make the health bar of used pet at the headbar please,to avoid pet dying.
>make the cancel button of selling item at mp,will be very useful
>Diablo: this class needs a new pet: Black Dragon
>Necro: this class being weak after class update,please change the bonus from life leech and armor to life leech and wisdom
>Assassin: i can't say other word to this class except AMAZING, but it doesn't have lvl.60 pieced item,make it please
5. Party Mode
>avaible at s1 please
6.Super Magic Scroll
>need to be 100c again,if you wants to stabilize the price of ms,why don't you change the drop rate?
7.Drop Rate
>fix it please,super mob didn't drop cool items but it drop junks
Well,that's all...
Thanks for reading!
you're the best,dreamer
14-10-09 13:03
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