Let us have full out party battles. It would give battles a whole new lease of life here. Obviously if you come into a party battle and see that the have amazons you would want to remove them first. They deal horrible damage at times and can 1 hit ko pretyymuch any char with little effort. Assassins can play 2 ways. Knowing they are going into party battles they may deliberatly leave their health low allowing them to crit. Maybe they will wait and pick off targets with low health making the best of their bonuses? Barbs are always very big hittersbut can a paladin slow them down enough to render them completely useless in battle? Then all we have left is the somewhat crappy druids/necros. Yeah necros are alot better than druids and have damge boost buffs but for the sake of party battles i think they should have a new skill. In fact all classes should so heres what ive came up with.
Party ability: Inner Focus
Allows the amazon to concentrate more for the good of her team. Shot bonus chance increases by 25%
Party Ability: Grudge
Will garentee a crit attack on anyone who has damaged a party member. Boosts dex against that character by 20%
Party Ability: Holy Light
Boosts all allies defence by 50% and has a chance to heal the whole party at the end of each round by 15% of their max hp. Chance of activation is 33%
Party Ability: Steady Strike
Allows the barb to never miss, the barb focuses for the good of the team.
Party Ability: Multi-Cast/Group Cast
The druid can hit all members of the opposit party at the same time with its spells. They also have a 15% chance of recasting the same spell twice in a row.
Party Ability: Group Cast/Raise Dead
Necros as druids can cast spells to hit the full oposing teams but instead of multi-cast they have a 20% chance at the end of each round they survive to bring back a fallen ally.
Now as you can see if all classes got these abilitys in party battles bd would have a much better fighting system.where party skill and working ad a balanced team would be key to a victory.
party batyles would start automaticly if one person in a party attacked a member from another party. Instead of the battle taking place, all party members would recieve a notification of a party battle about to take place in 30 seconds to give chance to heal and get prepared.
Party battle screen would show all members of your team on the left side of the screen in a list and the enemy team on the right side listed with (attack) after each name. Druids and Necro would see (attack all) link under the names of the full party list.
Let me know if ive missed something glaringly obvious that ibe just overlooked that could really ruin this idea
14-10-10 14:00
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