Now each player will rack up kills on these even mobs. At the end of each month the top 10 will recieve some kind of reward depending on their place.
Id love to see custom event avatars that can only be won this way. For example at christmas you may win a santa suit avatar that would be equiped on your class picture when you are roaming around.
If you add avatars for events you will also be able to add purchased avatars to credits. Try to keep event avatars seperate from credit avatars. If possible make them glow/look really outstandingly cool compared to normal avatars.
These event mobs could also drop no transferable items. Things that could be crafted into event weapons or rings that will lose most of there power after the event ends.
since mobs wont deal damage or take damage its a matter of running down their hp maybe 20 per mob so it uses stamina to kill but all players can get involved.
At the end of the month an event boss would fall. this mob would have 2billion hp maybe more. it would damage each player at a % of their max health, say 10% just for explainings sake. Then no matter what your level you could take part. All damage you take or give to that monster will be added up and the winners from each level range would be rewarded something for their efforts.
just to give server 1 something new for a change
14-10-12 21:30
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