[Gaia PvP #90] 2nd Zodiac Round - Knowing More Zodiacs!
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prey: Please check bot users spamming quest items to take advantage to the game.

Bot script is still circulating and is shared/used by some players. This is very unfair to those who play clean/fair.
23-02-13 06:47
feng: too many players using bots ! why not create a new BVB server (BOT VS BOT )
23-02-12 02:28
assassins-: see my profil badluck no drops item Quest??
23-02-11 07:58
kharn: still just gaia pvp

quest like aquarius for gaia1?

hunt mob on gaia1?
23-02-08 01:13
zagapo: Quest is time consuming but not rewarding. Quest needs 15/15 kills but gives 3 skill points. thats not rewarding. Was previously 5 kills for 10 skill points. I will wait for Quest change.
23-02-07 20:42
-bryson-g-: If somehow u forgot to enable arena and tourney start it on server reset:)
23-02-05 03:35
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