[Gaia PvP #90] Round Is OVER!
Leave your feedback!
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23-02-23 16:20
naza: 👌👌👌👌
23-02-23 16:21
-p41n-: nice
no p41n no gain.

keep like this for future round

23-02-23 17:17
-bryson-g-: Buff the hunt mob to it's highest stats & experience. Also makee the hp super low. Spawn rate is more freuqent so anybody can kill it. 10c per kill and treasure chest has a 50/50 chance to drop-read-
23-02-23 22:22
nekron: Please bring back barbs dex boost and nerf damage instead.
23-02-24 06:38
chaser: Reward charms directly to main account since you remove vault sharing and also Pet reward, reward it also directly to main to avoid stealing specially when you have less credits to transfer it to your main or just add Pet Transfer feature. Thanks!
23-02-24 23:02
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