[Gaia PvP #93] The 5th Zodiac - Gemini!
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ambassing: Ermetanyo. Put the bowmans ms to a ring then craft it
23-05-13 14:41
haaa: Not feeling this

* DOUBLED drop chances of Recipes, Charms & Jewels.
23-05-13 14:44
ermetanyo: What the BOWMAN MS for if u can't upgrade it to MARKSMAN MS??? Marksman drops BOWMAN MS a lot, why not just drop the damn MARKSMAN MS & don't drop BOWMAN MS...

Is getting a MARKSMAN MS a quest??? It's harder than getting a QUEST ITEM...

@dairon: still nothing... 3x Bowman = nothing

I'm talking about MS not the ring/amulet, u can't unscroll freely in G1, unless of course if u r rich in G1... Here u can unscroll for free, in G1 it's 250 cred

@reconquista: then u r even dumber than me, u need marksman amulet for lich heart... U only know about gelare, how dumb r u?
23-05-13 21:01
reconquista: low drop rate recipe really boring .

@ermentayo : cmon , u only need marksman for completing gelare quest . dairon just give you advice bcs you dumb .
okay who doesn't know how to make a marksman ring from 3x bowman -rofl-
about ur lich heart problem hunt 3x bowman ms then craft to 3xbowman's amulet > marksman amulet no need unscroll dumb -rofl-
23-05-13 21:48
czafe: @reconquista: Do u think I don't know that? This is my MAIN, I seldom use this coz my alts r way stronger... Did u read about G1 in my post? Did u understand what I'm saying there? It's not just for my convenience but for everyone playing this game...
23-05-13 21:53
23-05-15 05:14
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