And, it's obvious people had multichrs in ranks. I know several people who had multiple chrs. People playing for credits and prizes, which I don't care about. Good for them.
I think if some people don't want to play with an mp then they shouldn't use the mp. But, let the mp be available for those of us who want the mp.
Dreamer, please give us back our full vault and next pvp restore our mp.
If people don't want to use mp then let them not use mp. For those of us who want mp then why should we suffer?
FYI to those who don't know: armor jewels are great for druids. Endurance are great for those who don't use credits to boost.
Ps rokz if you spent over 700,000 credits why aren't you diablo?

I see rokz is putting words in my mouth. I never called anyone dumb. And saying only Diablos chrs should post is because people are using multiple chrs to post. Much like multiple chrs to play. As to amount of credits I buy, I can no longer spend hundreds of dollars at blackdragon. Happy you can! I guess the $5000.00+ from the past will have to do.
Dreamer the no MP at PvP server will not stop bots. Or stop people from making multiple chrs for prizes. I'm fairly certain even rokz had multiple chrs. S3 had no MP and that server failed . btw Martis is missed.

23-05-26 05:22

And -2,5% exp ifnlose and get 2% exp for the winner .. also increase drop rate Recipe for class we use not another class ty

23-05-26 06:44

Erdamon's Hell Lord's Horn
Level: 100
How i can unscrol this😭😭

23-05-26 13:48

23-05-26 14:23

- About G2 Pvp system, the losers deducted exp percentage will be given to the winner. 😁
- Bring back deconstruct and vault share
- Add Split Magic Scroll feature.
Please Fix the ff:
- Forgot password
- Fix Library when switching to Level Category, some items are missing.
- Fix MP when selling bulk items, sometimes "Wrong quantity" appears.

23-05-26 17:49