[Gaia PvP #94] Round Is OVER!
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_dangerous_: 🥲
23-06-19 22:54
kang_coloks: Top-10 Damage Dealers
1. propane ➡️ Stormcaller
2. souless_ ➡️ Sun Quiver
3. sepulturer0 ➡️ Regal ring
4. chaviyani ➡️ Imperial amulet
5. i-hate-mondays ➡️ Distance desire
6. aricr ➡️ Quiver of Amazon
7. flowsign ➡️ Divine token
8. bus ➡️ Nefartatul Ring
9. _niabingy ➡️ Imperial amulet
10. kang_coloks ➡️ Golem Armor
23-06-20 00:34
retromarthmus: Some good things coming from a unique perspective of someone who hasnt played in a number of rounds - exp is in a much better state, much less pressure to alwasy be hitting high ranks. Open mp for players to bid is great, really miss giving people my left over stuff but it is what it is. Closed mp along with unrewarding pvp is really bad for the sociability and health. I also dont think theres a serious imbalance in classes, some definitely stronger than others or better at certain things... its good though.

Because theres now a plethora of lvl.100 titles and quest mobs, itd be cool to see a mixed round where the 'hunt' mobs that spawn on the map are one of three (or so) from previous rounds, and the bosses that spawn along side dragons are the same three (or so) from the chosen repeat rounds, instead awarding the top 5 damage dealers the boss scrolls. The boss usually dies before 2-3 drags so if theres three it might be a good idea to spawn drags after the bosses. Maybe a vote can be held to decide which mobs return? Same mob cant be voted two-three rounds in a row -v- just an idea.
23-06-21 11:36
swtdrmzz: Registration: 2012-11-05 00:29 my 1st pvp chr!

Dreamer, people say they want it challenging with no mp. Silly people. Make it really challenging by making it like old time pvp servers. Wearing item lost if killed on a mob and item goes to mp when mob is slain , unless killed by person who's item it belongs to or by a clannie. People having to do step by step. No jumping from arrow to arrow to go to a map. And, all of the other fun stuff we had to deal with back then . . I think most of these new people who are crying for no mp couldn't handle old school pvp server.

Don't let people know when dragons land. Let dragons fly and hide. And, don't let dragons and event mob show its stats. Let them change spells randomly. Maybe even have a few waves of dragons before blackdragon appears as well as Royal!

Bring back a round of old school pvp server for few rounds. Then maybe this new school of players will learn a few things.

Keep market place. And, keep random items in credits section gone. It helps free players earn credits.

Long live blackdragon!
23-06-24 00:08
death_tempo: Milk
23-06-24 00:14
resurrector: Challenge pls... Thanks!

Next round disable EXP Lost and enable PVP Gear Lost but the item that will drop will be destroyed/automatically converted to gold instead of going to inventory. This will avoid manipulated/itentional pvp drop with items.
23-06-24 01:49
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