Server #2 updates!
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
bigbossycat: Was an interesting round. my 1st. but a promise is a promise bro, yet no class-based quests so far....
and this round is @ its end.
13-12-27 23:53
mast3r: Disable SMS -_-"
13-12-04 06:15
protecter: Good update for quest.. But don't like the fact that we all have to work twice as hard for the same experience.. So. I think its a good/bad update
13-11-28 20:42
gothkid: wow sounds great-good-
13-11-02 13:30
hellsbells: overall this going to be a great s2 but the no mining is crap lol. the point of s2 is to compete and be hard but taking aspects of the game away takes the fun away. it just forces players to buy random gems at 5 credits a pop. I understand completely the need for game to have credits but to take a important aspect of the game away to do that is not fair
13-10-31 15:44
13-10-31 14:58
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