[Gaia PvP #95] Round Is OVER!
scylla-: Add pet with endu 😍
23-07-25 17:36
1-20: Increasing Newbie Stamina: As a new player engaging with the game, I believe it would be more enjoyable if the starting stamina were increased beyond the current 100 limit. At present, 100 stamina depletes rather quickly, in about 5 to 10 minutes, leaving little room for sustained gameplay.

Revamp Castle Guards: The Castle Guards' composition should be reconsidered. As gold is not as abundant as before, it becomes challenging for both new and old players to sustain their guards' costs. A possible solution would be to upgrade the guards to stronger mobs, like the aurora mobs or increase their rank, similar to the expanded rank system in dungeons (e.g., ranks reaching 11000, 9999, etc.).

Balancing Quests for Newbies: Quest requirements for new players should be reevaluated. Asking newbies to kill 100 or more mobs for a single quest becomes somewhat absurd when they only have a base stamina of 100. Waiting for a mere 3 stamina per minute is not enticing. To make Gaia 1 quests more enjoyable and challenging, it might be better to reward players with crafted pieced items upon completing all 10 quests. Even if these items are of common rarity, they can significantly aid new players in their progression.

Revamped Tasks Rewards: Instead of jewels, offering tier 5 gems and elixirs as rewards for completing tasks could be a more enticing option. Allowing newbies to level up faster might not be a concern since catching up with high-level players primarily depends on playing gpvp and earning tons of currency or purchasing credits. This approach benefits newcomers without necessarily providing an easy way to reach the top leagues, which maintains fairness and balance.

The primary focus of these suggestions is to improve the experience in Gaia 1, which tends to become deserted after a few days of gpvp ending. Many players find the current state of the game boring. While gpvp is a place to upgrade Gaia 1 characters, there's not much to do in Server 1 after the upgrade is achieved.

Additionally, the challenge feature no longer rewards players with tokens when hunting outside the designated area. Players are left with limited wins, which can be frustrating and might not serve a clear purpose. Providing more engaging activities and rewards in Gaia 1 could help retain player interest and prevent the server from becoming stagnant.

The progression in the game should follow a clear path, with Gaia 1 acting as a stepping stone towards Gaia PvP, rather than the other way around. Players should feel encouraged and rewarded for their endeavors in Gaia 1 as they advance towards participating in Gaia PvP. It's crucial to ensure a seamless and satisfying transition between these stages to maintain the players' engagement and interest in the game.
23-07-24 09:15
-bryson-g-: Make retros g1 idea come true. We're dying of boredom😭😭

Please come online for at least an hour to talk to us or just be online for at least 10mins everyday after server reset if it's possible
23-07-22 13:08
godreturns: Bring back full mp and trade
23-07-22 09:30
-timeless-: I agree gold updates at pvp needs to go back to old days where you can buy gold in mp.

Also, please return our vault. You promised.

*continued post after the round*
drops of gems/runes, eluxirs/jewels/charms and ancient potions were terrible. Gold was way too low to buy a pet @ lvl 80. Full regeneration potion for quest horrible idea!

Please include diablo and death angle runes in prizes. And seeds. For top 10 in classes. Also, please have a round for amulets again.

Bring back items taken from backpack if lose in pvp battle and wearing item loss if you die. With only 3 attacks available from each side between 2 players every hour. It is pvp server after all.

Allow drama in chat. It's gotten boring with too many restrictions.

Most of All, have dragons fly! They want to hunt dragons, then let them hunt!

Hail 👑DRAGON WARRIORS👑 & Friends!

23-07-22 09:29
lioness: Totally agree with
23-07-22 09:25
Puslapis: 2/4
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