[Gaia PvP #96] The 8th Zodiac - Virgo!
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-bryson-g-: Nice
23-07-31 23:38
nanikore: IDK WTS
23-07-31 23:38
23-08-01 16:33
uoti: Many things are not clear. What does increased by 5 or 25% of that? What does that mean?
1. Gold is still too low as if we live in porverty
2. EXP too low even hitting higher levels mobs
3. Slow Internet users are struggling with Celes King Quest drop rate item.
4. Bring Crafted Recipes and Pieces to give full options of weapons selections
23-08-02 20:17
23-08-03 03:37
23-08-03 11:21
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