[Gaia PvP #98] The 10th Zodiac - Scorpio!
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-p41n-: Assassin in pain without MP

at least increase daily limit
23-09-30 22:03
scylla-: I will litterally eat you denyut 🙂

I agree dg in gpvp would be dope since theres not really anywhere else to spend c this round

Maybe decrease from 10 to 5 instead of closing whole mp?
23-09-30 20:28
_fizzarolli_: I was expecting an open marketplace🤣Whyd u close everything... I mean i like it but it's like the best scroll shouldn't it be better if everything was open👨‍🦽
23-09-30 20:03
wrapmeinplast: I would recommend dungeon in the next round
23-09-30 18:44
ankha_sword: Well I guess I'll suffer this time, what can go wrong?
23-09-30 18:06
lolicon_again: I want a piece of denyut *yum*
23-09-30 18:00
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