* Bring back GOLD option in MP... It's hard to buy PETS when you don't have enough GOLD or lower the price of PETS
* 1 gadget= 1 entry in PVP servers, trace the IMEI... Every gadget has IMEI, right?
* Make CLASS MS upgrades up to X...
I = lvl 10
II = lvl 20
III = lvl 30
IV = lvl 40
V = lvl 50
VI = lvl 60
VII = lvl 70
VIII = lvl 80
IX = lvl 90
X = lvl 100
24-01-07 18:30
24-01-07 17:43
Can u upgrade this game 2D to 3D.
Become to realistis a very good 😁
24-01-07 09:54
Mp limit to 1 each day.
Quest open from lv 30.
New assassin spell.
And for g1:
Castle attacker must pay 1kc to enter..
Because low lvl alt keep spawning there and keep making trouble...
Only castle owner can enter for free..
24-01-07 04:05