😨The EXP requirement from level 60 and above needs millions but we get thousands instead of Hundred thousands to make progress.
😨 In Numbers Form is this for Example. Need 2million EXP but we get 20k only per win. Its simply too low even for Dragons like Red Dragons and Gold one.
😨In Early level 1 you need like 150 EXP but get 2 EXP. so if by proportions then we should be getting more EXP from level 60 and above.
Change this unfair EXP at later End game.
😨The 50 Quest too hard to get Items so require 1 item is fine like 1 MS
24-02-26 04:44
Either nerf the assassin and amazon class or buff barbarian and paladin class. Nobody used em🫵
Dragons hunt. If you really wanted players to go manual then make the dragons change places every 10mins or so and reduce their hp to 25mil or less
24-02-26 02:14
1. 50 quests idea was superb 👌 was really fun hunting for the ingredients and trying multiple items trying to figure them out
2. I didn't notice much of a difference in charm and recipes drop rate compared to the previous rounds so maybe you can adjust it a bit more
3. Only a specific few were finding charms while in dungeon while the rest didn't fing any with the exception for the ones u get every 50 levels and I was rank 2 and the rank 1 dungeon player experienced the same occurrence.
4. Bringing hunt mobs back isn't a bad idea because hunting gets really boring when you have nothing to hunt for anymore
5. Don't make us respawn at Ancient battle arena when we die after attacking dragons because players abused that and just attacking players when they respawn there to lower their xp to surpass them in rank.
Other than what I mentioned last round was great and thank you again for all you do sir keep up the good work
24-02-25 23:55