[Gaia PvP #103] Round Is OVER!
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gundina: If a player has multiple accounts in gpvp, give reward to his/her top account only... The other accounts get zero reward & taken out of the ranking...
24-03-25 18:54
24-03-25 23:52
-bryson-g-: Petition to make the previous dragon scrols to 3.5k as well👉👈
2.5k wis or dex is not even close on how good 3.5k str scroll is. Infact it made em so much inferior, not to mention it just shows how str is better.
24-03-26 02:22
rememberme: creating multiple accounts in one device or ip in pvp should not be allowed anymore because of it people abusing it to get more rewards.....
24-03-26 07:49
defeated12345: Please remove this gear lock from Gaia 1 it's totally not needed don't see the point in that ...
24-03-26 19:46
godreturns: Enable trade
24-03-27 07:43
bladsy: 2/3
1 2 3