beastyboy: Dreamer please add a way to sell gear lock items in the marketplace. And also please add a way to vault share/transfer between friends and alts. And also please bring back trading!
24-06-30 13:22
nightshadows: No comment on the pvp server since I didn't play. But we need trade option back or working vault so we can move items around between alts. I don't even want to imagine how much junk I've stored on all pvp accounts I can't move without using mp and keep having to transfer credits back which is just as much work as trading with yourself.
24-06-30 07:43
duski: Round was overall good until the dragons messed up both days crystal dragons didn't spawn the first time then celestial crystal had no stats and now everyone's boost was gone by the time celestial was dead and now nobody has charms to use maybe in the future only have 1 crystal dragon spawns at once so everyone focuses on one and maybe give the main dragon less health? These rounds went on 2 days more than it should've and I'm ready to merge. I hope we can some some form of compensation maybe double rewards?
24-06-27 17:16
ph_beats_indo_ml: Be active for like a day for once. Thank you
Oh LOOK YOU FUMBLED ON THE CELESTIAL CRYSTAL DRAGON! Why dont u just return gpvp the way it was if its gonna be this bad
mri: The developer of this game has it easy. Each month, he just creates a new server and goes offline until the end of the month, waiting for players to spend money. There are no feature updates for the game. He only promises some new features, but after several months, these updates still haven't appeared. It's really funny.