Vault is BACK!
Leave your feedback!
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colok: 15th anniversary?
24-09-01 13:07
3p6kaiv: Please do something about maxed out chrs. Like put a Damage option

You have reached a new level!

+600 Skill Points

All skills reached MAX!
24-09-03 09:49
misfit: allow pet to put in storage or vault
24-09-04 09:14
24-09-04 19:50
-timeless-: Thank you !!!

Dreamer, please make rewards better. They've been terrible lately. Like Good exclusive ms reward, and death/diablo runes. Everyone can use them. And make it so top all top 10 damage players on dragons get dragon scroll. Like 1-3 top gets dragon scroll lll , and damage dealer 4-6 get dragon scroll ll , and dragon damager in rank 7-10 get dragon scroll l .

These are good prizes. You want people to play and spend $$ then make prizes worthwhile and not worthless.
24-09-05 00:33
bebanclan: Just dont give an announce about end service
24-09-05 02:25
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