[Suggestion Box] Hardcore PvP
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denyutjantung: Low hp at gpvp ? This is one shot drop gear. How players fight back if you dont increase the hp? Just bring back the pvp mode befor increase hp and drop gear if players kill. Pvp low hp is not a pvp. Players won't enjoy pvp anymore
24-09-08 07:54
-1gn1ti0n-: Dungeon is all we need in PvP -lol-
24-09-08 06:09
prinsesa: Please disable changing of sets for player who atacked first for like 30 seconds. This is to make then liable for what they did and make them not to change into junk items.
24-09-07 21:44
bebanclan: Hardcore PvP and always drop gear and also try to check your coding dreamer with gear set,since someone like making abusing this gear set,so they can like using junk gear in set 1,but stat included with other set(set 2 and 3) since someone like fishy after battling with same necro but using only junk gear. Im also not really telling to manny with thats suspended for bullying/pk since at first, gpvp hardcore comes to this at old gen. And yeah,theres no point if Pvp server only have 10 pvp with same ppl for 1 day,you just make it boring 😂
24-09-07 10:38
alano: Boost not counted in pvp
24-09-07 00:22
-timeless-: Make it so people cant log out if they attack 1st. Make it so they can't leave map or change to other gear set if they attack 1st. Only lose wearing item if killed. Remember in old days where it was 25% chance of losing item if killed? Sp from purchasing credits don't count in battles. No hiding in Seer's Huts or mines while attacking people . Limit attacks on people to 10 every 24 hours so people can't be bullied. Suspend pk bots.
15. No Automated bots.  
16. No Manipulation of code(s) and/or abuse of glitches.  
Also, suspend bots used for hunting. And, if bot users can be tracked down via their PayPal or other method of purchase, suspend them. No matter how many credits they buy. People are leaving because of them.

Also, please have top 10 class rewards
24-09-06 22:09
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