[Suggestion Box] Hardcore PvP
Leave your feedback!
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overlord69: Drop only wearing item if and only if killed during pvp if not killed k only random backpack item will be taken as loot for the winner.
No more changing set of item during pvp and no more hiding in mines a d seer huts.thats it..
24-09-06 21:51
kang_burhan: Reward for class please
24-09-06 18:33
valbuena: Charm/jewel/elx not active in pvp.
24-09-06 17:07
vicx: Drop item from backpack only please, last pvp i lost all my gear😭
24-09-06 17:01
necromado: Seer's Hut

Looks like you've found 0/0 of the items so far.
No worries, every attempt is a step closer to success. Give it another try, and I'm sure you'll find them all.
24-09-06 15:42
barbar-: Increase hp cap
24-09-06 15:00
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