PvP Battles Updates!
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
-j4n-: full exp on g1 up to 5000 and random dragonscroll in honor shop up to tier lll
24-09-14 06:39
24-09-12 23:49
remu_suzumori: Here are my thoughts:
1. The part where the initiator of the attack gets locked in map for 5 minutes and can't switch gears is like a penalty to anyone who wants to engage in pvp. Imagine if there's gear drop, if the defender just anticipates the attack and survives, he can either get into his main gear and boost to bully that attacker or anyone else would see him in events chat and bully him in map knowing that he's stuck for 5 minutes. Why? Why would you discourage people from initiating pvp in a server that's called pvp server?
2. Not having any penalties for rewards on pvp and therefore also not having any merits for pvp kinda makes it a pointless feature. There's nothing to gain from it(and you get stuck in map for 5 minutes)
3. Since charms have no lvl requirements, I think it's fair to remove dmg boost in pvp.
4. The max health and mana(especially mana) needs to be increased... Not only for PvP purposes but also for PvE

That is all my opinions regarding such update, thank you
24-09-12 23:42
weakdruid24: Be careful what you wis for
24-09-11 09:25
bebanclan: Seem to be good,now back to your lvling server
24-09-11 06:01
2024-9: Bug on unit boss

Diamond dragon - ()
@ Hydras pond (I)
Teleport 1
2024-09-11 01:37:57

But no mobs at land
24-09-11 03:58
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