miu-shiromine: Better delete menu pvp .. nothing interest pvp without drop gear :/
24-09-10 23:51
build-up: Nothing interest where no lost gear. If not lost gear is just same when die attack a mobs. So we lost the esensial of the pvp .
24-09-10 22:50
_fizzarolli_: Very interesting update! Also for gaia 1? Niceuuu
24-09-10 21:38
wonder-man: 10/10 please increase max hp boost now then
24-09-10 21:35
overlord69: Its only 5 levels different sir not 10. if u do like this all lower level will be roasted.because as i can remember lvl 50 can only attack enemies lvl50 to lvl 55.so meaning not much different in gears runes and ms.